Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am taking this class - Debt Instruments - and from the title I think you can tell that it involves a rather big amount of number crunching. Surprisingly, I'm finding it rather interesting.

Well, it was by sheer luck that I got this class because I had actually wanted to take Real Estate but that class turned out to be superbly advanced with a Professor who apparently explicitly said he wouldn't help you in your Excel spreadsheets and model making because you should have learnt it before. hmmmmmm. So, I dropped it and switched to Debt Instruments.

So yea, going back to Debt instruments: It's not interesting because the material is awe inspiring or that it's something I'm extremely passionate about. It's interesting because the lecturer is an extremely intelligent, funny, majorly eccentric, very passioniate and genuinely inspiring person! She carries herself well ( she has aged really gracefully and I think she probably looks younger than she is!) , answers students questions properly and injects alot of life into what I think is a rather dull and boring subject. (Those of you from NUS, if you remember the very wonderful stats lecturer Chen pei yi, well, they're sorta similar, but yet different. you get the idea. =D )

Yea, so this lecturer does things like screen music videos that she likes before EVERY single lesson, makes jokes about how her class should have a cafe latte machine in it ("what a great way to learn don't you think? All caffeinated and ready to go!" ) and loves to talk about politics.

So yea, she passed around a seating chart for us to fill in today (its a small class because it's seminar styled) and to get us oriented, she had the usual 'white board' and 'seats'. This is what she drew for herself:

(I scrambled her name because I'm not sure if she would like me to post this here! But I don't think she would have minded)

I didn't believe that anyone would ever say "I love Bond Math!" but there you go, she does! Well, you might say 'so childish!' but I think it shows that she knows how to take herself lightly and well, to just enjoy life!

This lecturer clearly demonstrates that if you are passionate about something, it will show and somehow, it will make you good at what you do ( I THINK SO LA, i mean, you have so many people who have dropped out of the rat race with nothing to show for it, so yea, but dont think about that now! I'm trying to be reflective!) .

Now. Let me ask myself:


ho ho ho.

(tengkok don't snigger)
( I can be passionate about finance like my prof ok!, you wait and see! *crosses fingers*)


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