Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Late night conversations.

Yesterday was the second time I met Jared Feiger, a friend of wei kor's who is reading law in NYU.

So we had dinner and went to get 泡泡茶。Amazing that there's a 泡泡茶 store in NYC, and yes, it's truly authentic taiwanese 泡泡茶, not ripoffs like erm, Singapore noodle or Shunlee food or what crap.

(got this photo from off the net, but this is the place. )

But I'm guessing you're not interested in reading about what kind of 泡泡茶 I had, or what food I ate, so yes, I'm gonna spare you! :D

What was great about last night was the kind of conversation I had with Jared.


You couldn't exactly say it was a conversation because it more or less involved a one way flow of information. HA! I tried my darnedest hardest to sound intelligent, knowledgeable and well read, and yes, I managed to recognize what he was saying about American politics, middle east relations and gave some view points about it all - BUT! - there's only so much of 'I heard about that!' 'I get your point...' 'hmmm true true' that you can inject into a conversation without starting to realize that, shit!, you don't know enough to solidly totally awesomely back your views!

Ok, so maybe I'm being too harsh on myself.
Afterall, the topics were ALL American and I do know quite abit about what's happening in the States for someone not from or staying within the States, and when he asked about Singapore's history, I DID manage to give him a rather concise and accruate account! (accurate because thankfully I had chosen to take Singapore History and Politics for my breadth module back in Singapore, instead of some weird thinggy, and yes, I wrote essays on Singaporean history!) but yes, I have to read more BBCnews!
hmmmm.......maybe the editorials will do me more good, been missing out on those!
On another note about American Politics (sorta) :

Michelle Obama is on the Vogue Cover!
Wearing a dress made by a very young (Freaking 26 years old) taiwanese designer- Jason Wu.
click here to read more about Jason Wu...

Ok, 26 years old only.
Ok, we've been there and done that with the 9 year old iphone whatever. so.

*cue sound of of a full-forced cry of jealousy trying to escape from a mouth determinedly shut tight*

On another note, today's weather was gorgeous, it reached 18 degrees!

Look at the sun shine man!


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