Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mini Cooper Roadster

So rumours are that the following MINI variant will actually become a reality:

MINI Cooper Roadster

Exciting times lie ahead for MINI lovers...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A blog post long overdue.

So we all know Spring has arrived and the weather has just been nothing but fantastic over here. Today, it was actually 29 degrees - very much like in Singapore! yum.

Anyways, these are shots of west village (somewhere near NYU) - one of the nicer parts of Manhattan (CLEAN AND GREEN)

I like this pic. Can u smell the foot?

"Knit and be happy"

LOVE the white tree and the shop.

That's the door to Alice's wonderland.

Americans love their dogs. And i love them too.
Not the rat ones though. Those small dogs that have been bred to become the size of rats.
ratty dogs.

Outside Magnolia Bakery.....

That's dave there and his friends. Hi dave.

Finally in the shop after queuing for hmm. 15 mins or so.

That above on the left is an example of a rat dog.
But do u see the Parrot?

The man is walking a parrot.


Think it'd be cooler if the parrot was flying on a leash.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I shall list out a few things about my dear cousin Yi that I've discovered while here.

1) She loves cow tongues. Alot.
She can eat 10 cow tongues at one go.

2) she LOVES manhattan. Alot more than I do.
"OMG. Manhattan!!! (after 3 hours in brooklyn, cue arms raised in praise)"

3) but still, she adores Singapore.

4) She wants to work in the Finance field.

5) but doesn't know which part of finance to work in. Like me.
(finance, are u ser-ious? yes yes yes!)

6) she enjoys her vintage,
7) her prawn mee,

8) and the very, superbly, extremely occasional,
once in a blue moon sip of wine (cough*booze).

9) She has many best friends, 2 of whom I have met.

Elizabeth (hi Elizabeth):

10) and Amanda (Hi Amanda) :

11) she's not too good at multi-tasking,

12) but holds quite a few jobs (or used to)

13) She HATES the injustice that exists in the world

14) and really hopes that something could be done about it.

15) She's good at drawing,

16) fantastic at shopping,

17) and GREAT at interpersonal skills.

18) she loves her leather boots and bags,

19)but not as much as her friends and family.

(sorry if I've missed people out, this is just REPRESENTATIONAL)
(for a FULL listing, go to and search for li wong)

20) and finally......... she just turned 20.

HAPPY 20th YI.

Turning 20 on the 20th.

(not really. but for now, yes. )

You're finally as old as I am.
I am forever 20.

But beware, once you're 20,

you're 25.

Then you're 30

and then 55.

But, we have to focus on happy things.
H - A - P - P - Y Things.
:) :) :) ;) :) :) :)

If you were wondering why everything was in pink,
it's cos (if u haven't already figured it out) this is a
Happy Birthday Dedication.

So I can't stop saying HOW GREAT Yi has been while I've been here, bringing me all around NY and revisiting places she's already been to.

There's something about her disposition that just well, makes people happy.


Enjoy it while it lasts. :)


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pratt Draw-a-thon (12 hrs but we only stayed for 3!)

Pratt Art Institute (In Brooklyn) organized its annual Draw-a-thon today and Yuki had invited both Yi and I to join, so we did! But we only stayed for 3 hours. hmmm. Not much of a drawathon right.

But I must say it was really liberating to be able to draw after such a long artistic drought! Finance can really get to your head when you're an artsy person.

The concept was that there would be a few studios open and each studio would feature a few nude models who would change poses every 10 mins, 1 hour or 3 hour depending on which studio you were in. We being impatient little brats decided to go for the 10 min one. It was fun actually, getting to draw all these weird-ass poses. Hmmmm. But I'm not exactly a fan of figure drawing, and so is Yi. Oh well! Here're some photos:

Yi's friend Amanda, Yi and Yuki


Amanda 'drawing'. That well, was Yi's pad. She was just posing. heh.
Amanda's from Bermuda. If you don't know where that is, go googlemaps it. heh.

Yi, this is a GREAT pic of you.

2 of my 10 min sketches:

Amazing gorgeous pretty Spring flowers.
The trees here now are all in shades of White, Pink and Purple.
Come to New York only from mid May onwards people. Never in winter. Ha.

Me kissing a really gorgeous sculpture.

On the way out.


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