Sunday, January 11, 2009

My trip to New York

Alrighty people, let's all see how long this blog can stay alive. I give it a lifespan of about 1 week tops. After which I'm very sure it would require all the CPR + Life support systems + Prayers to keep it alive.

So, thank you all those from home who came to see me off , appreciate it loads! :)

My wonderfulllll 爸,妈 and 婆婆。 :)

My wonderfoooo sistas.

And my GREAT GREAT FRIENDS:Alicia!!! Representative of 2007X. LOL. I havent passed shufen her prezzie as of the time of publication. hohoho.

Kel, Deming and Kianwai, Thanks sosososoos much for your jacket. You don't know HOW MUCH of a GODSEND it is. LOL. I underestimated the New York Winter ALOT.

Dedrick and Huiyu (Thanks for your gifts and card!) Ded, Come to New York and freeze ur butt off with me soon.

And last but not least, Loke Lao Shi and Alexis! Thanks alot for your socks + Ski Cap + Scarf. You have also no idea how much of a Godsend it is. hahahahaha. Brynner, tell me when you have found out what the name of that student is can, im very interested to know! :P

Ok, this is difficult, blogging is difficult. U see all the photos? There's the grey borders? Ya, i PUT IT ON ONE BY ONE ON PHOTOSHOP HOKAY. PRO ANOT? VERY PRO RIGHT? :)


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