Sunday, January 25, 2009


When you read this, you're either going to have or are in the midst of your reunion dinner.
It could also already be Chinese New Year in Singapore.



to one and all!

Whatcha think of the new blog look? Doesn't it just create the mood?



Chinese New Year for our family is a very big thing. There are 3 full, and I mean, FULL days of visiting and 拜访-ing. I have many many fond memories of previous CNYs at home, but this time round, things are gonna be different! It will be my first time celebrating CNY away from home, in New York!

Ok, so I'm not exactly thrilled by the prospect of celebrating CNY here.

There's almost no CNY mood and with the cold, it still feels more like Christmas then it does CNY. Not to mention! On 初一and初二, I have school as per normal and worse still, I have assignments due on both days!


But guess what, there's always a silver lining behind every cloud!

I will be celebrating CNY with both Si and Yi!

This will also be the FIRST time in a gazillion years that I'm celebrating CNY with Liang Yi!
Yi, this is momentous; you have to give me a super big Ang Bao can.

Oh, Here's an announcement concerning Yi!

Yi's gonna be spending the whole of next year in London, cos she managed to get the LSE Study Abroad thing from her University! So proud of her! :)

So Si arrived today and both Yi and I went to JFK to pick her up.
Horrendous journey there: The subway did not connect to the JFK airtrain cos of some malfunction (The Subway here is freakishly unreliable at times, urgh, how i miss the scrubbed clean MRT!) and so we had to get out of the train station, board a bus , and connect to the sky trains. Some of the poor passengers were lugging heavy luggages and you could imagine how irritated they must have been.

Yi already in the CNY mood, looking very much like an ang bao

Shades make you look cool, and they hide the eye bags! :P

Our little pre-reunion-dinner reunion.

So if you notice, my head board has disappeared! Well, I don't like putting my head near the window cos its too cold, so today I turned the bed around.

Let me tell you, that flimsy bed frame almost caused me a back sprain + hand sprain + neck sprain + ankle sprain + whatever sprain. That area was definitely not meant for furniture moving so I sort of had to perform some martial qigong aerobics to get it to flip around. But oh well, I have practiced enough furniture moving at home so yea, it still worked out in the end.


Well, Mummy and 大姨 baked pineapple tarts for me to bring to the States, ( 大姨 your pineapple tarts are THE BEST! ) and well, we being in the CNY mood, decided to pose with the little bits of goodness.

notice Yi's tart in these pictures.....

Now you see it.........

....... now you don't! Ha!

Anyways, while I was searching for photographs to put for the banner above, I came across some photographs of ee Veron together with Da be nian and luo be nian from the 2008 CNY celebrations. As usual, Ee Veron had a radiant smile and all three of my aunties looked fantastic . Well, those were happier times.

Anyone who reads this, please tell Ee ee veron that I have asked after her and tell her to continue with her therapy to get well!


Ok, so yesterday, I went to visit MoMA.

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is an art museum located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, USA, on 53rd Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. It has been singularly important in developing and collecting modernist art, and is often identified as the most influential museum of modern art in the world.[1] The museum's collection offers an unparalleled overview of modern and contemporary art,[2] including works of architecture and design, drawings, painting, sculpture, photography, prints, illustrated books, film, and electronic media.

MoMA's library and archives hold over 300,000 books, artist books, and periodicals, as well as individual files on more than 70,000 artists. The archives contain primary source material related to the history of modern and contemporary art. It also houses an award-winning fine dining restaurant, The Modern, run by Alsace-born chef Gabriel Kreuther.


The next few photos aren't at MoMA.
I just thought they were cute.

Hui! It reminds me of you and your stupid toys. HA!

Entrance into MoMA

Those walls are big video screens. Very amazing, very magical. Watch the video:

There were also some unexpected things linked to Singapore which I saw in MoMA:

Apparently some famous architect designed the Concourse in Singapore:
For such a nice building, it actually had an unimaginative name: 'Beach Road II Office Tower'. heh.

The actual Concourse!

You might recognize the following sculpture. It was really small one created by Sculptor Henry moore.
A replica of his sculpture outside OCBC centre.
That's where Peach Garden is!

Moore's signature form is a reclining figure. Moore's exploration of this form, under the influence of the Toltec-Mayan figure he had seen at the Louvre, was to lead him to increasing abstraction as he turned his thoughts towards experimentation with the elements of design. Moore's earlier reclining figures deal principally with mass, while his later ones contrast the solid elements of the sculpture with the space, not only round them but generally through them as he pierced the forms with openings.

Earlier figures are pierced in a conventional manner, in which bent limbs separate from and rejoin the body. The later, more abstract figures are often penetrated by spaces directly through the body, by which means Moore explores and alternates concave and convex shapes. These more extreme piercings developed in parallel with Barbara Hepworth's sculptures.[38] Hepworth first pierced a torso after misreading a review of one of Henry Moore's early shows. The painted plaster Reclining Figure (1951) outside the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, is characteristic of Moore's later sculptures: an abstract female figure intercut with voids. There are several bronze versions of this sculpture. When Moore's niece asked why his sculptures had such simple titles, he replied, "All art should have a certain mystery and should make demands on the spectator. Giving a sculpture or a drawing too explicit a title takes away part of that mystery so that the spectator moves on to the next object, making no effort to ponder the meaning of what he has just seen. Everyone thinks that he or she looks but they don't really, you know."[39]


The following pics are not in MoMA obviously.

We were playing Lego Man at the apple store's Kids section.
How apt!


Anyways, this has been another long post, do enjoy your CNY and have loads of fun!
ps. Don't eat too much if not you'll get a sore throat and a bulbous tummy.


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