Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Winter Wonderland (II)

You know you are taking exchange way too seriously when you treat washing dishes as a break from studying. Someone please remind me that I'm on pass/fail and that whatever grades I get here won't have any impact whatsoever on my life. Then again, I have always treated Uni as something which is extremely transient and insignificant (a wrong view to have I know, but, I'm suffering from a quarter life crisis so don't rub it in.) . Hmmm.

So in between studying all about interest rate swaps and no arbitrage pricing of derivatives ( It's all really seriously interesting, but I mean if I had to do that for work, I'd rather just go feed some chickens for a living), I have found some time to blog!

Today I woke up to a snowstorm (and I think this is just as big a snow storm as the one we had previously. You remember the chng-teng water post? ) and thought, "shit, shit , shit, bloody shit shit shit". I wasn't intending to get into a situation like last time ( soggy, wet shoes throughout class) so this time round I ruffed up enough and put on my (ugly but) extremely good water proof shoes and stepped out bravely into the winter wonderland.

And my my, what a difference it all made!

Everything seemed so much nicer- the snow, the ice, the wind, even the chng-teng water. I didn't have to worry about getting wet feet, nor did I have to worry about cold fingers - everything was just quite fine.

It also dawned upon me that the snowstorm might actually be the last snow storm that I was going to experience in New York this year (shit, I had some trouble with the agreement of the tenses back there.hoho.don't mock me.if it's still wrong, write the version in the tag board.)! So I whipped out my handphone ( ahh, that trusty, 2.5 year old 3.2 megapixel Sony erricsson ( I mean, 3.2 is way enough!)) and started snapping things as I was going to school.

The Memories! Ahhh. I think I'm actually going to miss winter in NY. BUT whatever, Sun sand & beach is way better. + clean MRT + nice cheap hawker fare + family!

This time round I actually had fun slushing through all of the snow (water proof shoes!)

Gorgeous ain't it.

I think someone is going to enjoy snowboarding !

Zai Jian!


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