Monday, March 23, 2009

Mangosteen in Chocolate

Tengkok housed me when I went to Chicago, and now , I'm housing him in my room in New York.

Anyways, tengkok says that in some really ATAS (high class) chocolates, there's an initial taste of fruit followed by the chocolate taste (duh) and then some I-dunno-what after taste.

Ok, I think my tongue has been desensitized or something, but I have no idea what he's talking about at all.

I tried his chocolate and I tried as hard as I could , pressing the chocolate onto the roof of my mouth with my tongue, but alas, no flavorful fruity outburst! Personally, I'M SURE IT'S A WHOLE LOAD OF CRAP! hahhaha. ok. joking. I might have incurred the wrath of some people there, but, haha - don't blame me for having a desensitized tongue!

Right now, I'm having some chocolates, and I'm getting some initial taste of durian, some mangosteen and quite a tad bit of Avocado. Get your cadbury and you might get a hint of ba-chor-mee in it !


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