Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Salt Lake City, day 2 & Las Vegas

As I type this, I'm sitting alone in the hilton hotel in Las Vegas waiting for my friends to arrive tomorrow (their irritating tour agency changed the schedule so they arrived one day later). The amazing thing is that I got the room tonight for only USD$49 on priceline - thanks to tengkok who told me about it! It was too good a deal so I booked it even though it's only for one night. So, I have yet to book tomorrow's hotel room and am looking out for another good deal. But Las Vegas is another story for another blog post- I still have to tell you all about my second (and last) day of snowboarding!

The second day started off with Zach and I warming up again on the small ski slope called 'Sweet Pea' and guess what, there were many little kids learning skiing and they were insanely adorable!!!!

The conquerors have arrived.
This is like one of those pictures of soldiers coming across the hill top and looking down at the town that they're going to colonize. ha. Though I have no right to critique given my lack of photography skills, I do personally think this is a fantastic photo in terms of composition, subject, placement. The light was fantastic so everything was picture perfect.
Too bad I only had a point and shoot camera - think I'll get a DSLR soon cos the more I wait, the more I regret. There're so many moments that I could have captured better with a good camera.

Look at the little boy. OMG right. And the girl behind him seems to be hanging on with her dear life to the lift that drags them up the slope. Ha. so cute.
I love how he's in baby blue, and she's in baby pink.

Below are videos of the little kids!!! you MUST watch them, really. They're like only 10 secs long.

So cute the way he stopped right! Zach's commentary is timely. Funny!

The little girl was so adorable! She seemed to be so terrified, like, "ahhhh, what's happening, ahhhh, I just learnt to walk and now I'm skiing! ahhhhh!!!!"

So after some warming up, we headed over to a more slopy slope called high meadows. Below is another video of me trying to ski down. ha.

The view from atop high meadows is gorgeous:

A close up of the picture above shows a mountain with the letters 'PC' ingrained into the sides.
PC stands for Park City, or according to Zach 'Politically Correct'.

It is really quite tiring having to snowboard and snowboard and snowboard, so one time, while I was trying to rest my tired knees and butt (from all the falling!), I laid down and was really pleasantly surprised by the view I got:


From the bottom of the 'High Meadows' Lift.

Some nicely phrased adverts. ha.

Around the high meadows slope are a few boards with cartoon characters. It's made to appeal to the children I suppose since it's a very beginner's slope, but I was so amused by them! Wanted to take pics with all of them, but too bad Zach was like, 'Are you serious...??' lol.
Lucky I got a pic with one!
And guess what, he's wearing the same colour as me!
ha! (and he's wearing specs too!)

So Zach got tired of taking normal pics, so he asked for an emo one. ha.

This is a sign for advanced skiiers who are joining the merged lane with High meadows and their slope.
I just had to take a picture with it. Ha.
Again, Zach was like "Are you serious....??" heh.

Thats the top of the high meadow's ski lift.

This is a view from the gondola that brings you down to the base camp.
You can either ski down or take the gondola down - if we were to have snow boarded down, I think we'd have either taken the whole day to crawl down or we'd have rolled down in like 5 mins.
So yea. heh.


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