Friday, June 12, 2009

For the sake of my cousins...

... I shall blog... Yi & En, I haven't seen you guys in so long I think I've forgotten how you all look like. heh.

Work: to exert oneself for a purpose or out of necessity.

What happens if you're exerting yourself for neither purpose nor necessity? What do we make out of that? Well, it simply means you're just wasting your time. *ho ho ho hum, ho ho ho hum, hoo ho, ho hum (in the tune of the Chim Chiminey song)*. And time is precious for we have not many years on this planet. Even the tortoises have more years than us - they can work for 40 years and still have a 100 more for retirement. We will NEVER have such luxury.

Go read it now.

I feel happy for those people above and yet I worry for them. Their hearts and minds will be stuffed with fulfillment, probably even overflowing with that highly coveted feeling, but their pockets will almost certainly always be half full. Over-flowing hearts & minds and half full pockets, or over-flowing pockets and helf empty hearts & minds? *ho ho ho hum, ho ho ho hum, ho ho, ho hum* Then again, our pockets are ALWAYS half empty.

I don't think my excerpt above made sense, but yea, that's what work does to you. It mushes your brain and leaves you with nothing.

On another note, I brought Steph kHoo on a gastronomic tour of Singapore's hawker fare. That girl's size is so not proportionate to her appetite. Like Napoleon Bornaparte, she conquered her food swiftly and efficiently:

Hor fun with lard pieces
Ok so the photos are not the actual ones, but they look sorta the same la. Just that the ones we ate were SO MUCH MORE AWESOME.

Fried chicken (including ALL THE SKIN! =O )

Prata bomb

and Milo godzilla.

Enough calories/energy to keep a town lighted for 5 years. Glad she satisfied her craving for hawker fare while in Singapore. Martin/Pascal/Choeun/Ben/Dave/whoever who reads this, if ever you come to Singapore I will definitely bring you to all those places to eat and you will have to beat Steph's record.

Below is the route we took to get to the area where all the food were:

So yes, I just dropped her off at the airport and now she's probably somewhere over the sea on her way back to Ozzy land.

Steph in rain boots. WHY you ask.
Well, cos they were too heavy to be in her already bursting-at-the-zipper luggages.

Bye Steph! Hope you had funnnn..




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