Monday, February 9, 2009

Over-aged under-achiever, meet under-aged over achiever.

So I was procrastinating and surfing BBC (again!) and this caught my eye

"9 year old creates iphone code"
I thought,"oh ok, some genius somewhere.." so I click on it, and hey presto, the small'un is from Singapore!
You go Singapore!(or Malaysia depending on how you look at it)

Well ok, so THAT's not my main point. My main point is:

That littl'un is friggin 9 years old!!!!!!!!

Tell me ALL about over-achievers man. WHY is it that the smart people are getting younger and younger? Or maybe it's just because I'm getting older and older. :(

I should just forget all about my crap Advertising Management work ( which is so so so crappy i feel like puking, I think Finance is so much more grounded, but aye, I'm saying this in a fit of jealousy - Advertising IS fun, but also crappy, but fun.) and sit here and sulk.

I copied and pasted the article here for your viewing pleasure, ( you can come sulk with me after this):
Nine-year-old writes iPhone code (
Lim Ding Wen
Lim Ding Wen started using a computer when he was aged two

A nine-year-old Malaysian boy in Singapore has written a painting application for the Apple iPhone.

Lim Ding Wen created the finger painting program, known as Doodle Kids, for his two younger sisters aged three and five.

The program allows iPhone owners to draw images on the handset's touch screen using just their fingers.

The program has been downloaded more than 4,000 times from Apple's iTunes store in less than two weeks.

While most children of his age are painting or drawing with crayons, Lim Ding Wen has been programming.

Lim, who is now fluent in six programming languages (what the ...... I tried mastering a third language and it's difficult, and he knows 6 ?????) , first started using a computer when he was two-years-old, discovered programming aged seven, and has since completed more than 20 programming projects.

His latest application, Doodle Kids, allows users to draw pictures using their fingers and then clear the screen by shaking the iPhone.

"I wrote the program for my younger sisters, who like to draw," said Lim. "But I am happy that people like it."

Lim wrote the original application on his computer but has now adapted it for use on an iPhone.

He told The Electric New Paper in Singapore that he wrote the application in just a few days in Pascal.

Go on my son

Writing on his website, Lim's father - Lim Thye Chean - a chief technology officer at a local hi-tech firm, who also writes iPhone applications, was modest about his son's achievements.

"Ding Wen is an above average boy ( You mean SUPER intelligent with like 20000 IQ? Stop being so humble la! =D ) with an interest in computers, especially Apple IIGS and Macs, likes to do programming, and that's it.

"Doodle Kids is an extremely simple program that can be done by anybody. Everybody can program - if Ding Wen can, so can you," (if birds can fly, so can you! hehe hoho!) he wrote.

Lim Ding Wen is now working on a sci-fi game for the iPhone called Invader Wars (!!!! Ok, now, seriously, STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE AN OVER-AGED UNDER ACHIEVER. The next thing the itsy'un is going to do is write a script that will make the world go the other way round) and plans to join his school's robotics club.

Ok, I shall stop whining and get over my little itsy bits of insecurities and go back to work. The little'un might be on to great things, but, small steps are good enough for me! Sound so sour-grapes hor.


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