Friday, February 27, 2009

Colour Schemes

So I was on the way back from dinner with Dione and while we were passing by the dimly lit 12th street, I caught a glimpse of a Mini parked demurely along the side of the road. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly recognized that it was a cooper clubman and the same cream-white as the 556 at home.

I rushed forward to embrace the car as though it were my long lost friend, but as I neared it, it began looking weird and awkward to me. You know how in clubs everyone looks great cos it's so dark? Yea, that was the same thing happening to the Mini. As I neared it, I realized that it had not a black roof, but a silver one!

Let me just say that White, together with a Silver roof JUST doesn't cut it. The poor car looked horribly mismatched, with no colour contrast or coordination at all.

Always remember! Dark on Light or Light on Dark, never Light on Light!

Don't you think the poor car looks weird? The owners should go spray paint the body some darker colour to match the silver roof.
It is so dirty!
I have experience with streak stains like that on the 556, so yes, the owners need to go do some serious cleaning because stains show up much more easily on white cars.
I hope the 556 is NOT in the same state now.
if it is, my heart will be so broken. ha

so drama.

And when I said that the owners should go spray paint the body a darker colour to match the silver roof ( or they could paint the roof black like the 556!), I meant something like that:
That's so much more like it!

Okies, Back to doing work.


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