Monday, January 12, 2009

Moving into Palladium

So, yesterday was move-into-palladium day.

I was really lucky to have Yi come and help me move in cos she was like, my personal helper. HAHAHA. Alright, she did help me alot withmy errands, like write down a list of stuff I needed to get and went with me to Kmart to get them. She also did some wiping and unpacking! :)


So I wasn't exactly happy with what I saw when I came in; The room was bare and prison-like, with stains on the wall and disgusting white light.

BUT, with some (Ok, quite a substantial amount of) money and ingenuity, and A FREAKING LOAD OF HARD SCRUBBING, the place is now beautiful and hotel-y.

One amazing thing about my room:
it's on the 16th Floor so it has a FANTASTIC VIEW:

Those who have been to union square, it's there on the left-top of the picture. Palladium has a really nice location.

This building is directly opposite the Palladium. It has insanely nice architecture and a gorgeous clock tower which I can see while lying on my bed. Will show u guys the pics of the clock tower when it is multicoloured at night. very pretty.

Ok, Ma , you're going to be so proud of me. I bought one of these things (quite cheap here!) and yes, it is VERY helpful. HAHAHAH.

My work area which is next to the bed. Bought one of those clip on lamps for soft lighting; I cant ever stand harsh white light. Makes me depressed. And I am prone to depression, hence, hence.

My Bed! with like cheap 200 theadcount cottony bedding, and a rug which I got from Kmart. Ok , not exactly cheap, but cheap to the touch. SIGH. EVERYTHING here is expensive, Especially parking! Like, parking is 10 US bucks an hour. OMG RIGHT. But still, the blanket and rug look nice right ! And see ! the lamp from home ! :)

Here's the view from my bedside, looking from here, my bed's on the right. Thats the toilet, and the kitchen area, blocked by the heater. The place's quite large actually. Very nice size.


THE STUPID PERSON who did the bathroom, OBVIOUSLY does not understand that water flows downwards. He PROBABLY thinks water floats towards the sky, HENCE, he put the drainage hole in the MIDDLE and decided to RAISE i

SO, when I gave the filthy toilet a scrub (YES, i HATE dirty untidy toilets
), the water, with all the yucky dirt between the tiles REFUSED TO DRAIN AWAY! IT SURROUNDED the hole like a moat and I had to use a paper plate and swipe it towards the drainage hole. WT* WT* WT*

THE WORST: The area behind the toilet bowl was the LOWEST area of the toilet; I had to go BEHIND the toilet bowl and slosh the water out.

I had to scrub my hands a million times after that before i felt clean again. WT*WT*WT*.

Ok, cathartic rant aside, my room's nice :)


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