Saturday, March 28, 2009


So tengkok the uppety eater decided to book a lunch table at Jean Georges (a 3 michelin star restaurant) for our mini reunion. He activated quite a number of flights to get the peeps in - Kaicheng from Duke, Hongwan from Cornell and Waikeong from Chicago. Sadly, Dedrick couldn't make it due to unforeseen circumstances - Ded if u're reading this, we missed you!

Anyways, tengkok is quite something. He travelled to NY just to eat. and I mean, EAT. He had a list of good and well rated restaurants that he went to for lunch and dinner - steak, donuts, burgers, everything.

Nothing beats old friends.

I am perfectly fine with simple and nice hawker fare like CHICKEN RICE(yum) and Ice kacang.
But this dish was quite something.
The colour is scary right? heh.
It was kinda nice, but I actually prefer the wasabi prawns in Peach Garden.
I felt the peach and the carrot broth didn't really quite go with the prawns.
But since it's some super rated restaurant, I suppose it was supposed to complement each other?

Oh well, I do have a desensitized tongue.


After lunch, we crossed the street to central park to meet some of sengteck's friends.
Turns out I actually know 2 of them - Pui san and Shafa.

Spring has arrived!

More Spring!

Columbus Circle

We then made our way to brooklyn bridge because Puisan and Sengteck wanted to walk across.
It was my first time anyways, so it was fun as well.
Yihan (who also knows puisan) met us at the bridge after his pscyh lab sessions (WITH CHIMPANZEES! AND IM NOT JOKING!) so it was quite a large group walking across.
What a reunion - sorta!

Pui on the left, Seng, Shafa

Random shot, but, exactly the same car!
By the way , the cars here are SUPER much less than the cars in Singapore.
I'll have a blog post breaking down the costs of the cars later. I did my homework and was absolutely shocked at how much cars are marked up in Singapore! I always knew they were marked up, but I didn't know by quite this much. heh.

Lucky we have cheap food. heh.

So after we crossed the bridge, we went to this quaint famous ice cream place.

Brooklyn bridge at dusk.
Man eating ice cream.

So Hongwan arrived at night and we met up with him.
After scouring the whole of jap town for a restaurant with seats, we ended up at a Sichuan Restaurant. Hilarious.

See the dish on the top right? Yes, the chillis in there were INSANE.
I chewed up one and almost died.
Kaicheng will aggree with that - he was also owned by one.

The NYFD outside the restaurant.
Someone called the firefighters cos Kaicheng's mouth was on fire. No. Really.

Ciao !


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